[OpenLayers-Dev] WMS request mod
Ray Di Ciaccio
ray.diciaccio at ll.mit.edu
Thu May 19 12:00:22 EDT 2011
Sorry for the previous messed up message. Let me try this again:
Hi all,
I'm in what I'm guessing is a fairly common situation -- I'm using
Google Maps as my baselayer (so map is in EPSG:9009l3 projection) and
I'm trying to load an overlay from a WMS which I have no control over.
It only offers data in EPSG:4326. The WMS request generated by
OpenLayers will be for CRS=EPSG:900913 and the BBOX values will be in
EPSG:900913. This obviously won't work if the WMS only offers EPSG:4326.
My solution to this problem was to override
OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.getFullRequestString() so that it uses the
projection that I set for that particular layer -- it changes the
CRS/SRS param to whatever the layer projection is, and it transforms the
BBOX values from the map projection to the layer's projection. This way
I get a valid request for the WMS and it's loaded in the correct
location on the basemap. My question is whether this is the right
approach to this situation and whether there may be unforeseen
repercussions to these changes I made.
- Ray
Ray Di Ciaccio
MIT LL, Group 42
ray.diciaccio at ll.mit.edu
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