[OpenLayers-Dev] Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Dateline WMS & vector drawing issue

Roald de Wit list at rdewit.net
Sun May 22 22:55:05 EDT 2011

Hi Phil

Maybe we can set up a sandbox that can be the basis for patches that 
could go into trunk?

At the Australian Bureau of Meteorology we deal with the same kind of 
problems and a while ago I've come up with some hack-ish workarounds, 
but I'd rather have some of us work together to get a solid solution.

Some of the problems that I'm facing (when visualising tropical cyclone 
tracks) are:
- Wrapping date line without the use of tiles with WMS (same problem as 
- Getting vectors working well across the date line (hack in use: lon += 
360 when lon < 0)
- Searching (WFS query) within a radius around a point around the date line

Regards, Roald

On 23/05/11 07:24, Phil Scadden wrote:
> Thanks for encouraging words guys. After next week, I should have more
> time available to work on the project as well.

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