[OpenLayers-Dev] no TMS layer support in overviewmap?

ellehauge.net mail at ellehauge.net
Wed Nov 23 05:08:00 EST 2011

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// Get proper CSS file just once:

 * AOPlugin (abbreviated AOP).
 * @options: Anonymous object overwriting default properties of the AOP instance. 
function AOPlugin (options) {
  this.mapDivId = null;
  this.baseLayers = null; 
  this.mapCenter = null;
  this.mapZoom = null;
  this.wmsLayers = null;
  this.selection = null;
  this.selectOnLayer = null;
  this.buttonPanel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({displayClass: 'customEditingToolbar'});
  this.toolHandlers = {}; // Contains AOPtoolHandlers which link to specific tools.
  this.tools = []; // Array of tools - added by each toolHandlers when they are clicked first time.
  this.themes = []; // A theme is a collection of layers with info about which datasources / vector layers to query even if the rendered layer is WMS.
  this.datasources = []; // Array of datasources (e.g. URLs) such as WMS, TMS, WFS etc. 
  this.features = []; // Array of featuretypes availabe for editing, snapping etc.
  this.editableFeatures = {}; // Currently used by the AOPaddFeatureTool.
  this.toolsDir = AOP.toolsDir;
  this.jsDir = AOP.jsDir;
  this.startExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds (94614.08, 470284.48, 120069.44, 490444.48);
  // Overwrite and add all properties from options argument:
  for(var key in options){
    this[key] = options[key];
  this.events = new AOPevents(['activate','deactivate']);

  // The dialogs property keeps track of the app's dialogs and gives them position and z-index:
  this.dialogs = {};
  this.dialogs.list = [];
  this.dialogs.baseZindex = 200;
  this.dialogs.lastPosition = {left: '7em', top: '1em'};
  this.dialogs.getPosition = function(){
    var left = (parseInt(this.lastPosition.left)+1) + 'em';
    var top = (parseInt(this.lastPosition.top)+1) + 'em';
    this.lastPosition = {left: left, top: top};
    return this.lastPosition;
  this.dialogs.addDialog = function(newDialog){
    var _this=this;
    var focus = function(){ _this.bringToFront(newDialog); };
    newDialog.events.bind('show', focus);
    newDialog.events.bind('focus', focus);
  this.dialogs.bringToFront = function(frontDialog){
    var _this=this;
    $.each(this.list, function(i,dialog){
      dialog.setZindex( _this.baseZindex+i );
    frontDialog.setZindex(this.baseZindex + this.list.length);
  OpenLayers.ProxyHost= '/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url='; // Do we use this?
  if (!this.map.getCenter()) {
}; //AOPlugin

AOPlugin.prototype.getVisibleVectorLayers = function(){
  var vectorLayers=this.map.getLayersByClass('OpenLayers.Layer.Vector');
  var arr=[];
  $.each(vectorLayers, function(idx,layer){
    if(layer.visibility){ arr.push(layer); }
  return arr;

 * Voegt de standaard controls toe aan de kaart op basis van een input parameter.
 * @param pSender De klasse die deze functie aanroept, dit moet de klasse zijn die de kaart (map) beheerd.
 * @param pSelectedControls Array met standaard controls welke getoond moeten worden (PanZoomBar;LayerSwitcher;OverviewMap)
AOPlugin.prototype.addStandardControls = function() {
  var controls = [];
  var layerSwitcherControl = new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher();
  layerSwitcherControl.id = 'LayerSwitcher_'+this.count;
  controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar());
    new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap({
      layers : [ this.map.getLayer('AOPoverviewLayer') ]
      //, minRatio : 64 
      //, maxRatio : 128
  controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition());
  controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults());
  controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink());
  // Controls in this.buttonPanel:
  var navigationControl = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({ displayClass: 'olControlPan' , title: 'Pan/Zoom' });
  //this.buttonPanel.defaultControl = navigationControl;
}; //addStandardControls

 * Maakt een map-object met default instellingen voor extent, resolutie en zoomlevels
 * @param pSender De klasse die deze functie aanroept, dit moet de klasse zijn die de region id weet.
AOPlugin.prototype.initMap = function() {
    this.map = new OpenLayers.Map(this.mapDivId+'_olmap', {
      //maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(97500, 469600, 118600, 489800)
        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds (80340.8, 456978.88, 131251.52, 497352.64)
      //, resolutions: [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 2, 3, 7, 15, 30]
      , resolutions: [53.76, 26.88, 13.44, 6.72, 3.36, 1.68, 0.84, 0.42, 0.21] // Inspired by BRT TMS service
      , maxResolution: 30.00
      , minResolution: 0.20
      , numZoomLevels: 20
      , units: 'm'
      , projection: new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:28992')
      , displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:28992')
      , controls: []
      //, allOverlays : true
      , Z_INDEX_BASE : {
          BaseLayer : 1 ,
          Control : 90 ,
          Feature : 50 ,
          Overlay : 20 ,
          Popup : 100

 * Attach an default base layers to the map.
AOPlugin.prototype.addDefaultBaseLayers = function() {
  var matrixIds = [];
  for(var i=0; i<15; ++i) { matrixIds[i]='EPSG:28992:'+i }
  var resolutions = [3440.64, 1720.32, 860.16, 430.08, 215.04, 107.52, 53.76, 26.88, 13.44, 6.72, 3.36, 1.68, 0.84, 0.42, 0.21]
  var brtLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
    , 'http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/tiles/service/tms/'
    , {   layername: 'brtachtergrondkaart'
        , isBaseLayer: true
        , displayInLayerSwitcher: true
        , type: 'png8'
        , style: '_null'
        , matrixSet: 'EPSG:28992'
        , matrixIds: matrixIds
        , tileOrigin: new OpenLayers.LonLat(-285401.92,22598.08) 
        , serverResolutions: resolutions
        , tileFulExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds (-285401.92, 22598.08, 595401.9199999999, 903401.9199999999)
  var overviewLayer = brtLayer.clone(); 
  overviewLayer.name='Overview Layer';
  overviewLayer.resolutions = [53.76, 26.88]
  var emptyBaseLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer( 'Geen' , {
    visibility: false ,
    isBaseLayer: true ,
    displayInLayerSwitcher: true
  this.map.addLayers([brtLayer, overviewLayer, emptyBaseLayer]);
  this.map.setLayerIndex(overviewLayer, 0);
  this.map.setLayerIndex(emptyBaseLayer, 1);
  this.map.setLayerIndex(brtLayer, 2);

 * Add user layers to the map.
AOPlugin.prototype.addUserLayers = function() {
  // User layer - for temporary geometries shared between tools.
  // Create styles and layer for user objects:
  var userLayerStyleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
    'select': new OpenLayers.Style({
      graphicName: 'circle' ,
      pointRadius: 3 ,
      fillOpacity: 0.6 ,
      fillColor: '#006666' , //grontmij blauw
      strokeColor: '#000033' ,
      strokeWidth: 3
    }) ,
    'default': new OpenLayers.Style({
      graphicName: 'circle' ,
      pointRadius: 3 ,
      fillOpacity: 0.6 ,
      fillColor: '#FF9933' , //grontmij rood
      strokeColor: '#FF0000' ,
      strokeWidth: 3
  this.userLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector( 'User Layer' , { //id: AOPlugin.ID_SELECTIONLAYER,
    styleMap: userLayerStyleMap ,
    visibility: true ,
    isBaseLayer: false ,
    displayInLayerSwitcher: false
  // For invisible features - e.g. for snapping.
  // Create styles and layer for invisible features - e.g. for snapping etc:
  var invisibleLayerStyleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
    'default': new OpenLayers.Style({
          'fillColor'     : '#FF0000'
        , 'fillOpacity'   : 0.1 
        , 'strokeColor'   : '#FF0000' 
        , 'strokeWidth'   : 1
        , 'strokeOpacity' : 0.6
        , 'pointRadius'   : 1
    }) ,
    'select': new OpenLayers.Style({
          'fillColor'     : '#FF0000'
        , 'fillOpacity'   : 0.1
        , 'strokeColor'   : '#FF0000'
        , 'strokeWidth'   : 1 
        , 'strokeOpacity' : 0.6
        , 'pointRadius'   : 1 
  this.invisibleLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Invisible Layer', {
    styleMap: invisibleLayerStyleMap ,
    visibility: true ,
    isBaseLayer: false ,
    displayInLayerSwitcher: false
  this.map.addLayers([ this.invisibleLayer, this.userLayer]); // this.workingLayer, 

}; //addUserLayers

 * @themeOptions {Object}: AOPtheme options as argument.
 * Returns the theme object.
AOPlugin.prototype.addTheme = function(themeOptions){
  var themeObj = new AOPtheme(themeOptions);
  if(themeObj.visible) {
  return themeObj;
 * @themeArr {Array}: An array of theme options as arguement.
 * Returns an array of theme objects.
AOPlugin.prototype.addThemes = function(themeArr){
  var arr = [];
  for (var l=themeArr.length, i=0; i<l; i++){
    arr.push( this.addTheme(themeArr[i]) );
  return arr;

 * This method adds themes from the Apex configuration parameters.
AOPlugin.prototype.apexStringAddThemes = function(){
  var _this=this;

  // Loop through themeStrings and add the themes:
  var addThemes = function(themeStrArr, isBaseLayer, isEditable) {
    $.each(themeStrArr, function(i, str) { 
      var themeArray = str.split('|');
      var themeOptions = 
      { name : themeArray[3] ,
        isBaseLayer : isBaseLayer ,
          dataSources : { 
            wms :  
              { url : themeArray[2] ,
                layers : themeArray[3] ,
                format : 'image/png' ,
                transparent : true 
              } ,
            wfs : false
          } ,
        namespace : themeArray[0] ,
        gemeente : themeArray[1]
      var theme = _this.addTheme(themeOptions);
      if(isEditable) {
        var key=themeArray[3].toLowerCase();
        _this.editableFeatures[key] = {
            name : themeArray[3] ,
            geometryTypes : AOP.Geom.getGeometryTypeFromServiceName(key) ,
            layer : theme.layers.wms
    }); // Loop through themeStrings and add the themes
  var featureThemeStrings = this.wmsLayers.split(';');
  if ($.trim(this.wmsLayers)!='' && featureThemeStrings.length>0) 
    { addThemes(featureThemeStrings, false, true); }

  //var baseThemeStrings = this.baseLayers.split(';');
  //addThemes(baseThemeStrings, true, false);


 * This function deactivates tools registered in the this.tools array.
 * @args {Object}: Containing the options below. 
 *  @force {Boolean}: If provided and true, all tools will be deactivated. Otherwise only tools
 *  with the property toolConflict=true will be deactivated.  
 *  @exceptTool {toolInstance}: If a tool is provided, the given tool will not be deactivated.
AOPlugin.prototype.deactivateTools = function(args) {
  // Set method options and default values:
  var options = {}; options.force = false; options.exceptTool = null;
  // Override options default values with argument values:
  for(var key in args){ options[key]=args[key]; }
  // Loop through this.tools and deactivate each one if it is not passed in as 
  // option.exceptTool and if options.force is false: 
  $.each(this.tools , function(i,tool){
    if(tool!=options.exceptTool) {
      if(tool.toolConflict || options.force) { tool.deactivate(); }

 * @handlerOptions {Object}: AOPtoolHandler options as argument.
AOPlugin.prototype.addTool = function(handlerOptions) {
  var _this=this;
  var toolHandler = new AOPtoolHandler(handlerOptions);
  // If the toolHandler has a button, add it to the panel and assign a handler to it.
  // If there is no button, just load the javascript files and run the 'toolInit' directly.
    // This handler must be run only the first time the button is clicked. 
    var firstClick = function(event){
      event.data={}; event.data.toolHandler=toolHandler;
      require(toolHandler.jsFiles, function(){
      $(toolHandler.buttonDiv).unbind('click', firstClick);
    $(toolHandler.buttonDiv).bind('click', firstClick);
  } else {
    require(toolHandler.jsFiles, function(){

 * @handlerArr {Array}: An array of AOPtoolHandler options as argument.
AOPlugin.prototype.addTools = function(handlerArr) {
  for(var l=handlerArr.length, i=0; i<l; i++){

 * AOPtoolHandler Class.
 * @options {Object} is an anonymous object overwriting the default properties of the AOPtoolHandler instance.
 * As a minimum supply the following properties in @options: 
 * @id {String}: Valid JS object property name. You will find a reference to the toolHandler in the 
 * AOP instance, e.g. "myAOP.tools.<myPassedInId>". Value must be unique!
 * @jsFiles {Array} of {String}s: JS filenames on which the tool depends, name include suffix (e.g. .js), 
 * by default in the AOP.jsDir directory. If other directory, pass in "dir" parameter. 
 * These JS files will be loaded only first time the button is clicked and only if they have
 * not already been loaded.
 * @cssFiles {Array} of {String}s: CSS filenames on which the tool depends. Will only load
 * first time, but will load whether or not the same file has been loaded before. 
 * @title {String}: Title/tooltip to display on button hover. The CSS file may be nessecary to
 * render the button. Otherwise it is more effeciant to load it from the JS file.
 * @displayClass {String}: Valid css class name for the button. MUST BE UNIQE! Two buttons may
 * never have the same displayClass! This is due to a flaw in OpenLayers which produces buttons
 * without unique id's. Hence, the only way to grab a button with jQuery is by class name.
 * @toolInit {String}: Initial javescript expression to be called to instantiate the tool and add
 * it to the map. This is the function which will be called 
 * when the button is clicked and the file is loaded. It will have
 * one argument {Event} which carries a reference to the toolHandler and the AOP instance with
 * "event.data.toolHandler" and "event.data.toolHandler.parentObject". Make sure that you
 * add your tool object to "event.data.toolHandler.tool" once it is initialised in the
 * tool's @toolInit function.
 * See AOPsampleTool.js for an example.
function AOPtoolHandler(options){
  this.parentObject = null;
  this.title='Sample Tool';
  this.toolInit = null;
  this.tool = null;
  this.button = true;
  // Overwrite properties with argument properties:
  for(var key in options){
    this[key] = options[key];
  for(var l=this.jsFiles.length, i=0; i<l; i++){
  for(var l=this.cssFiles.length, i=0; i<l; i++){
  this.buttonArgs = {
    displayClass: this.displayClass ,
    title: this.title 
  if(this.button) { this.button = new OpenLayers.Control.Button(this.buttonArgs); }

 * This method registers the new tool when it is loaded. Additionally, it adds a
 * handler to deactivate all other tools, when a tool is activated.
 * NB: All tools must have an events property with minimum AOPevents(['activate','deactivate']),
 * they must all have a deactivate() method and they must trigger the 'activate' event 
 * when activated. 
AOPtoolHandler.prototype.addTool = function(toolInstance){
  var _this=this;
    this.tool.events.bind('activate', function(){ 

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