[OpenLayers-Dev] MOTION: delete old branches

Tim Schaub tschaub at opengeo.org
Mon Oct 10 18:31:28 EDT 2011

I don't see real value in keeping around all of the old release
branches.  If we were continuing to do releases in the 2.4.x series,
for example, the 2.4 branch would have a clear purpose.  We can check
out release tags to run tests or do other work with a specific
release.  Can anyone point to a clear purpose for keeping around the
old release branches?

In case we do want to keep open the possibility of creating a patch
release from an old minor release, we could keep around two release
branches.  My motivation for cleaning up old release branches is that
I like to run `git branch -avv` and the output is a bit ridiculous if
you have a couple remotes.

I'm +1 on getting rid of old release branches (keeping around the
latest two if others think that is a good idea).

If there is a compelling reason to keep around older branches, I'm
open to changing my opinion.


Tim Schaub
OpenGeo http://opengeo.org/
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