[OpenLayers-Dev] Headers in WMS Layer

Moises Arcos marcos at emergya.com
Fri Apr 4 02:30:33 PDT 2014

Hi developers,

I am using OpenLayers 2.11 to display WMS Layers, but I need any help,
because I am trying to pass authorization headers into a WMS request, but I
don't know if it's possible.

The request that I sent is:

var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
layers: layers
     *headers: {*
*                     'Authorization': 'Basic user:pass'*
*       }*

I know that the better options to do this is throught a proxy, but I need
to do this temporaly.


Moisés Arcos Santiago
Área de Proyectos

Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
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