[OpenLayers-Dev] Custom layer switchers

Pierre Marcel Anselme Lacroix Pierre.Lacroix at unige.ch
Tue Feb 25 00:39:37 PST 2014


I have 2 questions related to custom layer switchers.

1) I have several layers in a layer switcher. I would like to attach custom behavior to the layers
- attach an URL to each of them
- show a tip while mousing over
- etc.

How should I proceed

2) How can I have two or three different layer switchers and control which layer goes in each switcher?

Thanks for your reply.

With best regards - Avec mes meilleures salutations,
Pierre Lacroix, PhD.
Scientific Collaborator - University of Geneva - Pole in Environmental Sciences
GIS Analyst - United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva
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