[OpenLayers-Dev] Create a Map Tile Downloader
slippyr4 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 05:08:14 PDT 2014
here are some bits of c# code which will help the OP out.
// you won't be able to use BoundingBox<T> - that's my class - but these
are the "world extents" for a OSM map
_worldExtents = new BoundingBox<Coord>(left: -20037508.34, right:
20037508.34, top: 20037508.34, bottom: -20037508.34);
// compute resolutions for each zoom level
double[] resolutions = new double[_numZoomLevels];
for (int z = 0; z < _numZoomLevels; z++)
resolutions[z] = (_worldExtents.Width / _tileSize) /
Math.Pow(2.0, z);
then you need to know how big a tile is in your chosen zoom level
private const int _tileSize = 256;
double _tileSizeMetres = _resolutions[_zoomLevel] * _tileSize;
// then you can work out the range of tiles you need
// e.MapExtents is the region of interest (a rectangle in EPSG 3857)
var tile_min_x = (int)Math.Floor((e.MapExtents.Left -
_worldExtents.Left) / _tileSizeMetres);
var tile_max_x = (int)Math.Floor((e.MapExtents.Right -
_worldExtents.Left) / _tileSizeMetres);
var tile_min_y = (int)Math.Floor((_worldExtents.Top -
e.MapExtents.Top) / _tileSizeMetres);
var tile_max_y = (int)Math.Floor((_worldExtents.Top -
e.MapExtents.Bottom) / _tileSizeMetres);
// logically you can now do the following:-
for (int x = tile_min_x; x <= tile_max_x; x++)
for (int y = tile_min_y; y <= tile_max_y; y++)
// download tile x,y, _zoomLevel here
hope that helps. it's not finished code and won't compile, but if you
regard it as pseudo-code it works correctly.
On 15 July 2014 12:29, Devdatta Tengshe <devdatta at tengshe.in> wrote:
> Hi Nakadale,
> Based on your question on GIS.SE, and this one, I feel that you are
> misunderstanding the Slippy map tile structure. The structure of the Tile
> sets is fixed.
> - For a particular zoom level, the x & y of the tiles goes from 0 to
> (2^zoom)-1.
> - There are only integer zoomlevels (from 0 to 19...), and you can't
> get zoomlevles in decimal values.
> It is important to note that the formulas given on the linked page give
> the coordinates for the NW-corner of the square.
> If you want to download tiles, have a look at this gist which I've
> successfully used in the past:
> https://gist.github.com/devdattaT/dd218d1ecdf6100bcf15
> To successfully download tiles, you need to find which tiles intersect
> your study area, and only download those. To find which tiles which
> intersect your study area, you can use the bounding box of your polygon as
> the first check. Find out which tiles contain your geometry by checking
> for tiles that contain the top-left & Bottom-right of your bounding box.
> Your Geometry will be guaranteed to be within these. After this, as a
> secondary filter, you can check if your geometry intersects each tile
> before downloading it, if required.
> If this doesn't answer your question, you need to explain why you are
> interested with partial zoom-levels and resolution.
> Regards,
> Devdatta Tengshe
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Nakadale <lester_sherwin at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello! Can anyone help me with my problem? I'm trying to do a map tile
>> downloader for my map app. problem is when I try to implement the formula
>> from this site Slippy Map Tilenames
>> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#Zoom_levels>
>> the
>> tiles X and Y number that i get are off. Upon further trying to make it
>> work
>> is for me to get the Zoom Level with decimal numbers. I wonder if there
>> maybe other way to get the correct tiles aside from using Slippy Map
>> Tilenames or if there can be a way to calculate the Zoom level with
>> decimals?
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Create-a-Map-Tile-Downloader-tp5150857.html
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