[OpenLayers-Trac] Re: [OpenLayers] #2522: Format.CQL for seralizing and deserializing filters

OpenLayers trac-20090302 at openlayers.org
Fri Jan 28 18:08:45 EST 2011

#2522: Format.CQL for seralizing and deserializing filters
 Reporter:  tschaub  |       Owner:  tschaub     
     Type:  feature  |      Status:  assigned    
 Priority:  minor    |   Milestone:  2.11 Release
Component:  Format   |     Version:  2.8         
 Keywords:           |       State:  Review      

Comment(by tschaub):

 Ok, latest patch avoids the logical operator precedence issue by wrapping
 all subfilters of a logical filter in parens when writing.  Tests cover

Ticket URL: <http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/2522#comment:7>
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