[OpenLayers-Trac] [OpenLayers] #3521: Dateline handling improvements for grid layers

OpenLayers trac-20090302 at openlayers.org
Tue Sep 27 00:04:58 EDT 2011

#3521: Dateline handling improvements for grid layers
 Reporter:  ahocevar    |       Owner:  elemoine    
     Type:  feature     |      Status:  new         
 Priority:  minor       |   Milestone:  2.12 Release
Component:  Layer.Grid  |     Version:  2.11 RC3    
 Keywords:              |       State:              
 Currently there are several issues with grid layers that cross the
 dateline. The attached patch fixes them. Thanks for any review.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/3521>
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