[OpenLayers-Trac] does OpenLayers tms layer can use on geowebcache tms service

OpenGSC 945070223 at qq.com
Sun May 13 23:05:24 EDT 2012

hello sir :
          I'm a OL user from china,I find OpenLayers can use tms service from tilecache,but instead geowebche,I find it does not.
            var tms = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
                    serviceVersion: "1.0.0",
                    layername: "topp:tasmania_roads at EPSG:4326 at png",
                    type: "png",
                    opacity: 0.4,
                    isBaseLayer: true,
//                     tiled: 'true'//,

above is my javascript code,I tracked the flow, and find the request of the url about the tile is not correct,for example
where http://localhost:8081/geowebcache/service/tms/1.0.0/topp:tasmania_roads@EPSG:4326@png/ is correct(because if I give 0/0/0.png can require the tile),but the file path '2/266/39.png' is not correct.
willing for your answer!

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