[OpenLayers-Users] WMS & ImageMa

Brent Pedersen bpederse at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 13:57:05 EST 2006

with WMS...
this might be too slow for a mouseover, but if you can do query by clicking,
just add a click Event that does a getFeatureInfo request to the WMS server.
that way, no need for an image map.

it'd use the x,y of the click and the extents of the viewPort.

On 12/4/06, Curtis W. Ruck <ruckc at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ok, I would idealy like to setup a WFS server with mapserver and then have
> OpenLayers pull from it, so the features are interactive on the map (i.e.
> clickable).
> Well, the way my database is setup is the WFS adds an insane load to the
> server trying to create the WFS response (We are talking 1000s of points in
> a query).
> I like WMS because its much faster on the server but i would need to throw
> an imagemap onto the WMS returned image.  Can openlayers handle an imagemap
> thrown on top of a WMS layer, and if so any suggestions on making one?
> Curtis
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