[OpenLayers-Users] Problems with Layer.Canvas on IE

Marco Zühlke Marco.Zuehlke at brockmann-consult.de
Mon Dec 11 14:19:39 EST 2006

Frederico Lucca wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm having trouble to draw some lines using canvas drawLine.
> I'm using version 2.2 and it works well on mozilla, but not on IE.
> The problem occurs in the function drawLine at line 81:
> var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
> Someone could help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Fred

Dear Fred,

the canvas in Version 2.2 works only on Mozilla, because IE does not support 
canvas. A 'better' support for drawing is currently developed in 
the 'vector'-branch.  It will include support for Mozilla and IE when it's 


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