[OpenLayers-Users] TileCache - Tiling issues
Tim Langlois
tlanglois at archetypecorp.com
Fri Nov 24 09:36:57 EST 2006
If you don't mind leaving a browser up and running for a while, I wrote
a simple javascript client that retrieves the current map extent and
zoom levels from openlayers and pans across the entire map for every
zoom level. I ran this on a browser, local to the server. It's not the
cleanest solution, but it does the trick, and you only have to run it
once (assuming your map data never changes) :)
On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 17:54 -0500, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 02:45:58PM -0800, Ben Brehmer wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I have setup a basic OpenLayers application with TileCache doing the
> > server-side caching. I was wondering if there is a way to pre-cache all
> > the tiles (besides panning/zooming everywhere on the map)? I know in
> > kamap there is a script that can be run to pre-cache all the tiles. Is
> > there something similair for TileCache?
> In the TileCache directory, there is a 'Client.py' script. To pre-cache
> your data, use it in the following manner:
> python Client.py "http://example.com/tilecachelocation/tilecache.cgi?"
> "layername" startzoomlevel endzoomlevel [BBOX]
> Something like:
> python Client.py "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms-c/Basic.py?" "basic" 0 16
> Is what we used to precache all of the Vmap0 data in the MetaCarta VMap0
> layer.
> > Also, I have attached two jpegs. Each has part of a symbol or label
> > chopped off. I believe that the "chopping" occurs at the edge of a tile.
> > Has anyone ever experience something like this in OpenLayers?
> This is based on your Mapserver setup, rather than something specific in
> OpenLayers. Using WMS would result in the same visual result. Labels can
> have this prevented using the "PARTIALS OFF" on your label layer, if
> you're using Mapserver. I'm not aware of a way to prevent this in symbol
> generation.
> We are currently working on ka-map style rendering to add to TileCache,
> to help people not run into this issue. No timeframe available yet on
> when that'll be released.
> Regards,
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