[OpenLayers-Users] A very simple application doesn't work

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Apr 4 10:58:37 EDT 2007

On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 03:53:07PM +0200, Dmitri Mizerkin wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm new to OpenLayers. I would like to build a simple application with a
> single layer to decide how good the OpenLayers are, but have no luck.
> For this purpose I use the source code posted on the first page of the
> OpenLayers documentation and my application looks like that:

My first guess is that your map is not in epsg:4326. You need to set up
your projection information in the openlayers app. There is information
on setting up a different projection in the OpenLayers FAQ (under the
wiki on trac -- slow connection at the moment, so can't grab it). If you
can't work it out from that, you probably want to post your mapfile and
let people look at it from that.

Christopher Schmidt

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