[OpenLayers-Users] Turning on/off layers depending on zoom level

kaka drspencer at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 10 16:35:48 EDT 2007

Thank you very much, Erik, this has been a great help. However, I have run
into a problem. If the markers are set to not show on first load, but to
appear when zooming in, the show/hide functionality stops working and the
markers are dislocated when zooming out. My code looks like this:

var MarkersLayer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( "Region info", {location:
"markers.txt", maxResolution: 0.03});

Changing the "0.3" to "0.2" causes the problems mentioned above. Is this
related to my code or a possible bug?


kaka wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to turn on/off a layer of markers depending on zoom level,
> using google maps as a background layer. Does anyone have suggestions on
> how to achieve this or is there or maybe an example? Thank you for any
> ideas.
> Regards,
> Magnus

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Turning-on-off-layers-depending-on-zoom-level-tf3550126.html#a9927966
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