[OpenLayers-Users] [pedrazzi.gelsomini@gmail.com: technical questions about OpenLayers implementation]

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Sat Apr 14 13:00:11 EDT 2007

Mistakenly sent to users-owner. 

----- Forwarded message from Pedrazzi Gelsomini <pedrazzi.gelsomini at gmail.com> -----

From: Pedrazzi Gelsomini <pedrazzi.gelsomini at gmail.com>
To: users-owner at openlayers.org
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 18:44:00 +0200
Subject: technical questions about OpenLayers implementation


I developed  a web application with an interactive map using OpenLayers.
At the beginning I chose OpenLayers and not ka-Map beacause throught
OpenLayers I was able to overlap and integrate different layers, like:
- 2 WMS layers (originated by MapServer based on an shape files archive on
my server)
- 1 WFS layer (originated by MapServer that queries my database getting a
set of points localized by GPS)
- 1 layer coming form Google that allows me to get simply satellite maps of
the planet.
At the end I chose OpenLayers above all beacause it allows me to use also
the Google Maps.
Now I would have two important questions:
1) I know that the Google Maps License permits to get the maps only using
the API. Someone can explain me how OpenLayers is able to get the Google
Maps without using the API? Are there some license problem?
2) OpenLayers does not have a cache tiles system like ka-Map. How can the
interaction (zoom and panning) be so good also without this system?

Your help could be very useful beacause i did not find good material or
papers about OpenLayes.

Ilaria Gelsomini
Francesca Pedrazzi

----- End forwarded message -----

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer

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