[OpenLayers-Users] openMNND demo

bradleyspencer brad at cubewerx.com.au
Sun Apr 15 22:02:56 EDT 2007

I am trying to make openMNND (
work but I get pink tiles.

Has this demo been deactivated? I have also tried copying the demo to my
local system but still no luck. See http://demo.cubewerx.com.au/wfs.html

Is there something equivalent as I want to build an application that, on a
mouseover a land parcel, will WFS the server and display the attributes for
the polygon.


Brad Spencer
General Manager
CubeWerx Australia Pty Ltd
ABN: 37 115 163 285
Mob: +61 (0)404 841 131
Tel/Fax: +61 (0)2 9481 7024
mailto:brad at cubewerx.com.au

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