[OpenLayers-Users] Add popup to GML with marker!

Walter Lorenzetti lorenzetti at faunalia.it
Wed Dec 12 02:37:56 EST 2007

Eric Lemoine ha scritto:
>>  but sorry is possible to do that for "onClick" event?
> I don't understand. Using the select feature control you should be
> able to select features by clicking on them. Don't you see your
> OpenLayers.Console.log message displayed when you click on features?
> --
> Eric
Hi Eric,

sure with select feature control I can select, so when I do it
on my ma the feature graphic icon change to blue circle like a default
point vector layer select.

So if is not possible onClick control event do you know how I can change
the graphic vector point layer select?


Please no  .doc, .xls, .ppt, .dwg:

Walter Lorenzetti
email+jabber: lorenzetti at faunalia.it
Cell: (+39) 347-6597931  Tel+Fax: (+39) 0587-213742
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy

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