[OpenLayers-Users] Info on Google Maps Terrain layer (G_PHYSICAL_MAP)

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Dec 12 20:36:11 EST 2007

On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 11:03:34PM +0100, Arnd Wippermann wrote:
> Hi,
> Google Maps have a new layer
> (http://googlemapsapi.blogspot.com/2007/12/v294-terrain-and-new-maptypecontr
> ol-to.html). With API 2.93 you can request a terrain layer. Looks quite
> good. I have tested it with OpenLayers. But now with API 2.93 the flickering
> while panning is returned.

Yep. There is no API method for what we abuse the Google Maps API to do,
so we're tied to the version of Google Maps that I was able to find
already reverse engineered -- specifically, the version used by MapBuzz.

It would be nice if Google could provide a method to do what we
currently hack, or something providing similar functionality: 


Until then, we're going to be stuck with the single version of the
Google Maps API.

Christopher Schmidt

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