[OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers and Popups
Ticket #926
mpriour at kestrelcomputer.com
Mon Dec 17 16:39:41 EST 2007
I'd like to help. I'm glad you've been able to fix the issues that you have.
I'd like to contribute to:
1. moving the popup to its own popup type so that it is essentially the most
advanced of the popup choices.
2. allowing the user to specify a custom heigth to width ratio for the class
so that it resizes the popup to fit the content in a more configurable
Jachym Cepicky-4 wrote:
> Hi,
> you did more or less what I did few weeks ago - but never found time to
> put it in proper shape for the tracker :)
> There was an idea about having addons repository. Code like this could
> go there.
> Jachym
> Dejung Gewissler píše v Pá 14. 12. 2007 v 17:18 -0500:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> I just wanted to let anyone interested in taking on the Popup issue
>> (looks like rdewit is stepping up based on the ticket #926 feedback)
>> of my findings in trying to implement CouldAmbers codebase with the
>> current trunk. BTW- Thanks CloudAmber for getting us so far along on
>> this!
>> I started with their code base and did the following:
>> 1. Split the code into three files that work with the current OL
>> trunk. CloudAmber's seem to use an older version of class
>> construction.
>> 2. Improved the ShiftMap function [now called ShiftMapThinker()
>> which calls ShiftMapWorker()] so that map could be placed
>> anywhere on the screen and the panning would still work. Some
>> of CloudAmbers original calculations were dependent on the
>> browsers windows width/left position and wouldn't work quite
>> right if the map were floated to the right, etc.
>> 3. Created an intermediate function [ShiftMapThinker()] to
>> predetermine the map panning interval amounts based on the
>> SlideAnimationTime divided by the SlideTimerInterval. The way
>> it is currently implemented in their sandbox isn't really true
>> to that concept, as the multiple map pans generally take
>> longer than the SlideTimerInterval. My intermediate function
>> creates the map pan action plan and then executes it, saving
>> us from potential freak outcomes (like almost making it to the
>> destination location, but then your anti-virus software scans
>> a file and then the timer gets out of wack and the map is sent
>> to Tahiti).
>> 4. The map pan is executed by a simple recursive function
>> [ShiftMapWorker()] that pans both X and Y directions
>> simultaneously and in the process times itself out. The
>> current sandbox implementation pans X and Y separately,
>> resulting in entirely too many map pans to get the job done...
>> and a lot of the time continues to run after the panning has
>> stopped... why I don't know.
>> 5. A memory leak that seems to exist in the old classes is
>> removed, as now the popup object itself is not copied
>> recursively to pan the map and because X and Y are panned at
>> the same time.
>> 6. In IE7 if the first tag element is a div and it is set to
>> "float:left" and the OpenLayers div is within it but set to
>> "float:right" like in the (example below) the scrollWidth
>> would be zero. It seems that IE7 doesn't want to allow
>> anything left of screen left (like setting your off-screen
>> rendered popup to "left:-99999999px") -- Firefox of course
>> doesn't have this problem... Creating a parent div for the
>> off-screen rendering and setting it to "float:none" fixes the
>> problem.
>> The following is a link where you can find an app with the popups
>> alive:
>> The code can found here:
>> I noticed that in the ticket there were some complaints about
>> overriding the original functionality of popups. This code still does
>> that.
>> If anyone is interested in pursuing this, send me an email. Even if
>> new code is created for the popup classes, I would like help out where
>> I can.
>> Thanks,
>> Dejung
>> --
>> Dejung Gewissler
>> New Jersey Office of Information Technology
>> Office of Geographic Information Systems
>> 200 Riverview Plaza
>> PO Box 212, Trenton, NJ 08625-0212
>> 609.777.3754
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> --
> Jachym Cepicky
> e-mail: jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
> URL: http://les-ejk.cz
> GPG: http://www.les-ejk.cz/pgp/jachym_cepicky-gpg.pub
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