[OpenLayers-Users] Reverting to pan/zoom after feature insertion

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Dec 19 09:51:03 EST 2007

On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 01:06:34PM +0100, Eric Lemoine wrote:
> Does the problem exist on the OpenLayers examples (for example
> <http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/modify-feature.html>)? I haven't
> been able to reproduce here.

If you are *currently* in the process of drawing a new feature, and you
refresh the page, then the Map.destroy function which is called on page
onunload loops through the controls and destroys them. The Control calls
the Handler destroy, which calls the handler deactivate() method, which
(in the Point handler) calls the this.cancel() if drawing is true, which
then calls this.layer.renderer.clear()...

... But because the controls are destroyed *after* the layers in the map
destroy() function, the layer has already been destroyed, and it has no
renderer property, which means that IE throws an error.

I can reproduce this in IE7. Someone should file this as a bug, and we
should write a test for it. The test should look like:

  var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point();

Though in a quick test inside Firebug lite, new OpenLayers.Handler()
returns undefined, so I'm probably missing something more important.

This should be a blocker for 2.6.

Christopher Schmidt

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