[OpenLayers-Users] XHTMLRequest being captured by OpenLayers

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu Dec 20 21:16:06 EST 2007

On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 09:29:34PM +0100, Matthew Pulis wrote:
> I have tried to raise an asynchronous request to a webpage using
> XMLHttpRequest(); and also YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest; but both
> requests are being caught by this exception :
> try{(this.options['on'+event]||OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction)(transport,json
> );OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on'+event,this,transport,json);}catch
> (e){this.dispatchException(e);}

So, I gave this a try with the code you provided in #1227. The behavior
I get doesn't indicate getting 'caught' -- however, I do get an
exception if I open from a file:/// URL -- specifically: 

"uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method

Is this what you're getting? If so, you should read about proxyhost, in
the FAQ:


I'm curious as to what makes you think this code, specifically, is
throwing the exception: are you tracking it somehow? Can you paste a
screenshot of Firebug output that makes you think this, for  

Note that if I open this from an http://localhost/ URL, it works fine,
reporting "Server is alive" or what have you via alert() message.

Christopher Schmidt

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