[OpenLayers-Users] Tile Map Service Specification

Robert J Becraft castlewrks at hughes.net
Thu Feb 22 20:30:28 EST 2007

>From my General Questions Thread....
> How are your tiles generated now? If you can generate them
> according to TMS 
>  <http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Tile_Map_Service_Specification>
> you can use the TMS layer with OL 2.3.
Using this, I created the XML document vmap0 as follows...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>  
  <TileMap version="1.0.0" tilemapservice="http://localhost/Avalon/Map">
   <Title>VMAP0 Avalon World Map</Title>
   <Abstract>A map of the Metaphaze Avalon World</Abstract>
 | <KeywordList></KeywordList>
 | <Metadata type="TC211" mime-type="text/xml" href="http://www.org" />
 | <Attribution>
 |   <Title>A Castlewrks Production</Title>
 |   <Logo width="10" height="10"
mime-type="image/gif" />
 | </Attribution>
 | <WebMapContext href="http://wms.org" />
 | <Face>0</Face>
   <BoundingBox minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" />
   <Origin x="-180" y="-180" />  
   <TileFormat width="256" height="256" mime-type="image/jpeg"
extension="jpg" />
   <TileSets profile=global-geodetic">
     <TileSet href="http://localhost/Avalon/Map/vmap0/0"
units-per-pixel="0.703125" order="0" />
     <TileSet href="http://localhost/Avalon/Map/vmap0/1"
units-per-pixel="0.3515625" order="1" />
     <TileSet href="http://localhost/Avalon/Map/vmap0/2"
units-per-pixel="0.17578125" order="2" />
     <TileSet href="http://localhost/Avalon/Map/vmap0/3"
units-per-pixel="0.08789063" order="3" />
My layer definition in the map html is:
        var tlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( "OpenLayers TMS", 

                    "http://localhost/Avalon/Map/vmap0", {layers:

The directory structure where the graphics are:
What is interesting is when I open this layer in my document, I get one
tile of a no-graphic. The no graphic has properties for the following...
Zooming one level gives two tiles with property of...
How do I eliminate the "undefined" from the tile paths?  I.e. How do I
get this to work?  All the tile setups that I can find on the web are
not using this directory structure.
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