[OpenLayers-Users] Markers with popup
Yves Jacolin
yjacolin at free.fr
Fri Jan 5 09:09:54 EST 2007
Le Vendredi 5 Janvier 2007 14:44, Nick Whitelegg a écrit :
> On Friday 05 Jan 2007 13:25, Yves Jacolin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to work with OpenLayers. I am a beginer in javascript, sorry
> > for basic questions.
> >
> > I want to display a different popup for each points. My points come from
> > a postgresql DB that I retrieve using AJAX. All informations (lon, lat,
> > icon, html for popup) are in a variable. I am using the code from the
> > popups.html examples.
> >
> > My problem is I can't manage the HTML content for each marker. In the
> > popups.html example, there are one marker and so one content.
> >
> > Thanks for your answer.
> >
> > Y.
> Hello Yves,
> This sounds kind of similar to what I'm doing. If you make your points
> available as a GeoRSS feed, you can use the "GeoRSS2" layer available at
> http://www.free-map.org.uk/test/GeoRSS2.js
> which creates markers from a GeoRSS feed.
> There is a load() method which takes a bounding box and loads all markers
> in that box.
> There is a full example at
> http://www.free-map.org.uk/test/fmap.html
> You might want to look at the code for that.
> Part of the code is a generic "GeoRSSClient" class which allows the user to
> add and remove markers. This is at
> http://www.free-map.org.uk/test/GeoRSSClient.js
> Let me know if you need more details on any of this.
> Nick
Hi Nick,
Thanks you for your answer. I didn't know that I could use geoRSS.
Do you think it is possible to manage this using OpenLayers.Layer.Text()
method ?
i.e. retrieve xml, convert it to variable setup like a csv file and send it to
the method above ?
Yves Jacolin
51 rue de Verdun
92 158 Suresnes CEDEX
Tél. : 01 46 97 25 14
Fax : 01 46 97 20 10
Yves Jacolin
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