[OpenLayers-Users] Tilecache 1.3 problems, mod_python, windows

joanne cook j.cook at oxfordarch.co.uk
Mon Jan 8 04:22:21 EST 2007

Hi All,
Having had problems getting tilecache to work using cgi, I am now trying using mod_python, under apache 2.2.3. As far as I can tell, mod_python is set up correctly, as I can get a test script to work. However, I am having no luck at all with tilecache. The only alteration I have made to tilecache.cfg is to chance the DiskCache base to /temp/tilecache. I am trying to access the following url:
I have also changed the first line of my python files to #!c:/Python25/python.exe -u, which is the location of my python exe file.
I have included the following in my httpd.conf file (I also tried it as an .htaccess file):
<Directory "C:/xampp/tilecache-1.3/">
    AddHandler python-program .py
    PythonHandler TileCache.Service 
    PythonOption TileCacheConfig /tilecache.cfg
  PythonDebug On
The error I get is this:

ProcessId:      508
Interpreter:    'localhost'

ServerName:     'localhost'
DocumentRoot:   'C:/xampp/htdocs'

URI:            '/tilecache-1.3/tilecache.py'
Location:       None
Directory:      'C:/xampp/htdocs/tilecache-1.3/'
Filename:       'C:/xampp/htdocs/tilecache-1.3/tilecache.py'
PathInfo:       ''

Phase:          'PythonHandler'
Handler:        'TileCache.Service'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\importer.py", line 1537, in HandlerDispatch
    default=default_handler, arg=req, silent=hlist.silent)

  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\importer.py", line 1202, in _process_target
    module = import_module(module_name, path=path)

  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\importer.py", line 304, in import_module
    return __import__(module_name, {}, {}, ['*'])

ImportError: No module named TileCache.Service

My concern is that I don't have the path to tilecache.cfg correctly set, or some other pythonpath problem. Given the above setup, what should these values be, or is there some other problem?



Joanne Cook BSc MLitt AIFA MBCS
Information Systems Coordinator
Oxford Archaeology North

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