[OpenLayers-Users] Hard to click on points for GetFeatureInfo

Marc Desharnais marc.desharnais at ec.gc.ca
Thu Jul 19 15:36:44 EDT 2007

Hi Dmitri,

I tried to make a manual query with this parameter without success.

Usecase (this is part of the query referring to the place where the 
click is made):
SUCCESS :    X=235&Y=503
FAILURE :    X=235&Y=504
FAILURE :    X=235&Y=504&TOLERANCE=5

So the TOLERANCE parameter doesn't affect the query...

I tried to search internet for any wms parameter refering to TOLERANCE 
but could'nt get any information about it. If you can provide any clue 
about how to use it, or any documentation referring to it please help.

Thank you :)


Dmitri Mizerkin wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> in a WMS/WFS service request the attribute you are looking for is 
> called TOLERANCE. I think this should do it when set as a parameter in 
> getFullRequestString function (see user recipies: 
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/GetFeatureInfo).
> Hopefully it helps you out.
> Cheers,
> Dmitri
> 2007/7/19, Marc Desharnais < marc.desharnais at ec.gc.ca 
> <mailto:marc.desharnais at ec.gc.ca>>:
>     Hi all,
>     I search for an attribute to set to make it easier to click on
>     points to
>     get some info about them.
>     I tried some things like RADIUS or REDIUS (saw that on a page on
>     internet) but nothing works.
>     I just want it to be easier to click on the point if it's possible, a
>     couple of pixels more.
>     Thank in advance,
>     Marc
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