[OpenLayers-Users] problems with projection

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri Jul 27 11:50:55 EDT 2007

On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 07:06:53AM -0700, GregM wrote:
> I have WMS layer overlayed on OL WMS, and it looks ok.
> After changing base layer to GoogleMaps it looks nearly ok. Very small shift
> is almost visible only (scale 1:28M). But after zooming in to scales < 14M
> all layers are aligned exactly already. Zooming out to scales > 14M makes
> layers unaligned more and more.

Yes. This is expected behavior with the current version of OpenLayers. 

> Second case:
> After changing WMS layer to WMS.Untiled:
> behaviour is the same as in previous case but layers aligns under 1M scale.
> At scale 1:14M there is shift by whole country and overlay is stretched
> vertically very much.

Same as above.

> Additionaly, overlay do not show always. Sometimes dragging makes it show on
> map.

Yes, I've seen this, though not tracked it down.

> Third case:
> After changing to Mapserver layer:
> -On OL WMS everything ok
> -On GoogleMaps overlay is not stretched (looks like unprojected data) and
> shifted north by 2 countries (scale 1:28M)
> -zooming in to scale <50K makes layers almost aligned

Yes, this is expected.

> -while zooming in, sometimes there are no tiles at the bottom of the map.

This isn't. Sounds like a bug. Can you provide an HTML page to reproduce

> How can I get OL 2.5 ? 
> Link http://openlayers.org/download/OpenLayers-2.5-rc1.zip  and others on
> 2.5 release page do not work.

2.5 doesn't exist yet. Currently, it is:


Which you can check out with an SVN Client.

Christopher Schmidt

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