[OpenLayers-Users] What is serving examples/openmnnd.html?

Andrew Larcombe andrew at andrewlarcombe.co.uk
Fri May 11 06:17:15 EDT 2007

On 9 May 2007, at 14:45, Fischer, Brian wrote:

> Steve is right it is a custom solution developed with MySQL and  
> some C code by LMIC.  I will talk with my contacts their and see if  
> I can do anything to try to get them to share the code.  The speed  
> is very impressive.  The one limitation is it only supports the  
> projection the image is currently stored in.

Providing you've got limitations and you've got your creative hat on  
there are lots of nice optimisations you can do. I recently put  
together a wms service for 14TB of 25cm resolution air photos.  
Luckily the wms client being used had a fixed window size and fixed  
resolutions that it was going to view at, hence I was able to ramp up  
the optimisation by feeding the wms server pre-generating lower  
resolution overviews that I knew the client was going to request as  
tiled tiffs, each tile's being the size of the image the client was  
going to request and the tile's data being jpeg compressed. A lot of  
optimisation, but with a relatively static dataset optimising the  
input data to the wms server can really pay off.


Andrew Larcombe
Freelance Geospatial, Database & Web Programming

web: http://www.andrewlarcombe.co.uk
email: andrew at andrewlarcombe.co.uk
icq: 306690163

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