[OpenLayers-Users] Storing vectors in OL

Przemysław Bojczuk pb at gis.umcs.lublin.pl
Fri May 11 07:16:10 EDT 2007


Andrew Larcombe wrote:

> You should be able to create a function which posts your drawn object  
> to a server where you can, for example, store it in a database for  
> future use. eg for a box you could do something like this (warning,  
> this code may not work ootb):

That's a great hint, though I would rather to only send the final
effect, for example by pushing a button. If is send it 'live' (as
I understand putting the instructions in onBoxDrawn does just it), 
then what about if someone changes the vertex position?

And it still leaves me with a problem of how to accomplish storing the
vectors (PostGIS maybe, but I haven't used it all that much).

Anyway, your post helped me greatly to follow what I believe to be the
right direction. Thanks!

Of course any other comments will still be appreciated. :-)

Geographical Information Systems Laboratory
Institute of Earth Sciences, UMCS

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