[OpenLayers-Users] Storing vectors in OL

Mike Quentel mikequentel at yahoo.com
Fri May 11 12:55:16 EDT 2007

This description of a solution might be helpful to you: 

The system I'm working has a drawing toolbar.  The user draws a shape, then uses a selection tool to select the individual shape that was drawn.  On this selection event, the vertices (in WKT format) and geometry type are stored in a hidden form field.  When the user is ready to save the selected shape, the user clicks a submit button that submits (via AJAX) the geometry data to a Java bean that converts the geometry data into values that can be inserted into an ArcSDE-Oracle database.  Once these shapes have been added to an ArcSDE featureclass, they are then rendered through an ArcIMS image service shared as a WMS (via the ArcIMS WMS Connector).  That's one way to perpetuate the shapes that were drawn.  You could probably replicate the same behaviour using PostGIS/PostgreSQL with GeoServer or Map Server.

By the way, the ArcIMS WMS Connector is weak on OGC support, so if you can go with Map Server or GeoServer, do so.

Mike Quentel

----- Original Message ----
From: Przemysław Bojczuk <pb at gis.umcs.lublin.pl>
To: users at openlayers.org
Sent: Friday, 11 May, 2007 5:16:10 AM
Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Storing vectors in OL


Andrew Larcombe wrote:

> You should be able to create a function which posts your drawn object  
> to a server where you can, for example, store it in a database for  
> future use. eg for a box you could do something like this (warning,  
> this code may not work ootb):

That's a great hint, though I would rather to only send the final
effect, for example by pushing a button. If is send it 'live' (as
I understand putting the instructions in onBoxDrawn does just it), 
then what about if someone changes the vertex position?

And it still leaves me with a problem of how to accomplish storing the
vectors (PostGIS maybe, but I haven't used it all that much).

Anyway, your post helped me greatly to follow what I believe to be the
right direction. Thanks!

Of course any other comments will still be appreciated. :-)

Geographical Information Systems Laboratory
Institute of Earth Sciences, UMCS
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