[OpenLayers-Users] Demos for OL Presentation

Lance Dyas lancelot at inetnebr.com
Wed May 30 07:05:44 EDT 2007

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> I'm going to be getting up on stage in front of several thousand people
> on Tuesday and talking for 5 minutes about OpenLayers. One of the things
> I'd like to do is do a quick through a half dozen demos of users of
> OpenLayers: There won't be any visible URLs, just quick video snapshots
> of using the site. 
> If you have a site like this you would like to show up, send links! 
TNTmap is certainly a possibility
> I
> can give an organization name, product name, and a short demo -- if
> you'd like your URL to go with it, I can add it to the page I'm going to
> be creating in the OpenLayers wiki for links, too.
Thought there was already a page of this type...?

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