[OpenLayers-Users] strange click events with internet explorer

percy percyd at pdx.edu
Thu May 31 13:42:08 EDT 2007

This sounds similar to a problem I had last October. I think it was 
fixed in version 2.2, I'll paste the email below...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] "interesting" cross browser problem 
with	mouse click position
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 11:09:34 -0700
From: percy <percyd at pdx.edu>
To: Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com>
CC: users at openlayers.org
References: <20061011160003.A6010EDFAF at rainier.metacarta.com> 
<45401072.3020304 at pdx.edu>	<20061026143712.GB15808 at metacarta.com>

that fixed it, thanks!

any idea when 2.2 will become the "stable" release?

I just got the SVN version out yesterday and was playing with that SWEET
new MousePosition control. I need to wait to put that on our production
server until it gets blessed, though.

Thanks again for the groovy interface,

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
 > On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 06:33:38PM -0700, percy wrote:
 >> Hi All,
 >> We are attempting to use an openlayers frontend to a kamap tiled 
 >> My test page, http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ol/examples/ngmdb4.html , works
 >> great in both "major" browsers. However when we integrate it into the
 >> main search page (which is not yet on a public site, but here's a
 >> simpler Kamap version: http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ngm_compsearch_map.html) we
 >> get errant behaviour with regard to how the mouseclicks are handled by
 >> OpenLayers in FireFox!
 >> to see this in action, just edit your test file by sticking in this div
 >> just after the body tag:
 >> <div style="width:600px;height:800px;background-color:#008800;">
 >> Push the map down the screen
 >> </div>
 >> and then load the test file in a browser. firefox will exhibit the same
 >> breaking behavior as it does on the working page!"
 > Mistakenly sent my response to Percy, rather than to the list: This was
 > fixed with r1692, http://trac.openlayers.org/changeset/1692 closing bug
 > #333, http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/333 , and the patch available at
 > the bottom of the page on r1692 should allow you to fix this issue for
 > older OpenLayers instances. Alternatively, this fix is included in the
 > 2.2-rc1 currently being tested, and will be included in the final 2.2
 > release.
 > Regards,

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 11:00:08AM +0200, Christian Sengstock wrote:
>> Is this a known problem and is there maybe a workaround? I think the
>> problem depends on where the map div is located in the DOM, because it
>> worked properly when i tested the MouseToolbar with a very basic html
>> page (just the map div).
> I'm not aware of this problem, or a workaround. (This just means I
> haven't run into it, largely because I mostly use simple DOMs :))
> Anyone else run into this issue?
> Regards,

David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Geology Department
Portland State University

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