[OpenLayers-Users] overview control

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Fri Nov 2 14:35:25 EDT 2007

In hopes that these links show up at the top of the google search 
results for OverviewMap, I'll gather doc links here:

If you have trouble with the overview map control, please read:

If you want to set custom map options on the overview map control, find 
the bit on "Custom map options" on that page.

If you like reading class documentation, please read:

If you want to see the bit where it describes the mapOptions property, 
click on the mapOptions property.

If you want to learn by reading code and don't own a text editor, see

Specifically, you can read about the mapOptions property:

Or, if you look a few lines farther down, you can read about the 
constructor, which mentions the mapOptions property:

There, documented :)


Huub Fleuren wrote:
> Hi,
> It appears to be so that the options for the overviewmapcontrol must be 
> set like
> var overviewrd = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap({mapOptions:optionsrd});
> Thanks Steven for pointing this out
> Even if I read carefully in de docs i suppose that this is documented.
> Howefer: in the overviewmap.html example it looks like:
>     var overview = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap(options);
> Allthough this also works in this case I would suggest that this will be 
> corrected in de distribution
> Regards,
> Huub
> Huub Fleuren wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure but pretty sure that the overviewcontrol for a projection 
>> like 28992 does not work correctly (it does for 4326). What is a good 
>> way to go forward with this? Maybe file a trac-ticket?
>> I' referring to my previous contributions in this thread ...
>> I tried using only different options (for the map and the 
>> overview)-(holding this carefully the same), it boils down to the units, 
>> i guess.
>>   var optionsll = {
>>      projection: "EPSG:4326"
>>     ,maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds( 3.13, 50.45, 7.14,53.32)
>>     ,maxResolution: 1500
>>     ,scales:[2500000, 1200000, 600000, 300000, 150000, 75000, 37000, 
>> 12500, 4250]
>>   };
>>   var optionsrd = {
>>      projection: "EPSG:28992"
>>     ,units:"m"
>>     ,maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds( 0,300000,250000,650000)
>>     ,maxResolution: 1500
>>     ,scales:[2500000, 1200000, 600000, 300000, 150000, 75000, 37000, 
>> 12500, 4250]
>>   };
>> Regards, Huub
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