[OpenLayers-Users] Reading an XML Format

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Fri Nov 9 15:13:16 EST 2007


Matthew Pulis wrote:
> Hi,
> Basically I just got to know about this project from another OpenSource 
> project : PGrouting. According to their tutorial site, using PHP and 
> PGRoute, you can create an XML document which as I understood correctly 
> can be passed to the OpenLayers project to create a map. This is the 
> link I got the info from : 
> http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/wiki/Workshop-XMLOutput , Do you think that 
> this is possible? If yes can you please be kind enough to point me to 
> some page on your website when I can test how to work with XML please?

In terms of a page where you can see some XML parsing and DOM traversal, 

In terms of output from pgrouting, I think you're adding a good bit of 
trouble for yourself it you wrap WKT in XML.  Why not KML, GeoRSS, 
GeoJSON, or even GML?  You'll have to do less custom document parsing if 
you use a standard format to represent features.

I guess this depends on the output options from pgrouting.


> Thanks and regards
> Matthew
> -- 
> Matthew Pulis
> www.solutions-lab.net <http://www.solutions-lab.net> // 
> www.mepa-clan.info <http://www.mepa-clan.info> 
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