[OpenLayers-Users] Newbie: accessing Arcweb data

Stewart Nimmo snimmo at orbis-directions.com
Fri Nov 9 16:18:05 EST 2007

Chris , Richard:

Thanks for the info. It has confirmed my thoughts and I have better
understanding now. The Arcweb services layer class may be something we look
at. We also have an alternate data service that maybe accessible via the
KaMap class.

Our challenge is accessing a street data source and since we are a small
commercial operation, the free map data services can not apply to us. The
Arcwebservices is nice that is a low dollar commettment to get operational,
based transaction price model. The other map services we are looking at is
Pushpin, similarly transaction based pricing model.

If anyone knows of other transaction based maps services I am interested in
hearing about them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schmidt [mailto:crschmidt at metacarta.com]
Sent: November 6, 2007 7:18 AM
To: Richard Duivenvoorde
Cc: snimmo at orbis-directions.com; users at openlayers.org
Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Newbie: accessing Arcweb data

On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 03:42:18PM +0100, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hi Stewart,
> I'm not familiar with Arcwebservices, what kind of url's are you talking
> about? Can you give an example?
> Openlayers implements different kind of 'layers' for different kinds of
> datasources. Some examples of current datasources: OGC-WMS, OGC-WFS,
> Minnesota Mapserver, TMS, Google Maps, Virtual Earth, GML, KML, geoRSS
> etc etc.

There's also the poorly tested ArcWebServices layer in a sandbox:


Which is probably the kind of thing the poster is looking for, but is
not yet complete enough to use. (Patches, feed back, tests,
improvements, etc. welcome. It would probably need a fair amount of work.)

Christopher Schmidt

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