[OpenLayers-Users] theme: null = vanished buttons!?

R. Ortner reinhard.ortner at edu.fh-kaernten.ac.at
Mon Nov 12 02:00:17 EST 2007

Here´s the HTML Page, hope someone know whats wrong:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <link rel="stylesheet"
href="/usr/share/openlayers-2.5/theme/default/style.css" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
		.olControlEditingToolbar  {
            right: 0px;
            height: 30px; 
            width: 150px;
			<!-- z-index:3; -->
        #map {
            width: 800px;
            height: 500px;
            border: 0px solid black;
			position: absolute;
            top: 100px;
            left: 50px;		<!-- bei farbigem Hintergrund des LayerSwitchers:         
128;    -->
			<!-- float:center; 
		#layerswitcher {
            width: 320px;
            height: 60%;
            border: 0px solid black;
			top: 100px;
			left: 0px;	
			color: black;	<!-- schriftfarbe 
								loadContents: function() {

								//configure main div
								this.div.style.position = "absolute";
								//this.div.style.top = "100px"; //25px default			
								//this.div.style.right = "0px";						
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var map;
        function init(){
		    var options = { scales: [800000, 600000, 250000, 125000, 75000, 30000,
			'projection':'EPSG:31258', 'units':'m', 
			'maxExtent': new OpenLayers.Bounds(390730, 119473, 594760, 238680), 
			'maxResolution': "auto", 
			controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults()],  
			layers: [l_wms],
			minRatio: 8,
			maxRatio: 128
			map = new OpenLayers.Map($('map'),options, { controls: [] });
			map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar());
					//map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar());    
					//map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition());
					//map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap());
			map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Scale());
			map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap(options));

		//--------------- EditToolbar ---------------
		//	vlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector( "Custom Layer");
		//	map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar(vlayer));
            vlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector( "Editable" );
            var container = document.getElementById("panel");
            var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar(
                vlayer, {div: container}
			//END ------- Edit Toolaber --------------

// ------------------------------------------------------------ Layers
// ------------------------------------------- End Layers
  <body onload="init()"; style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color:
rgb(255, 255, 233);">
  <!--  <h1>Orthophotos</h1> -->
		style="text-align: center;"> geoland2_de.jpg 
    <div id="layerswitcher" style="float:center;"></div>
	<div id="panel" class="olControlEditingToolbar"></div>
	<div style="margin-left: 20%;" id="map"; ></div>

Eric Lemoine-3 wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2007 10:02 AM, R. Ortner
> <reinhard.ortner at edu.fh-kaernten.ac.at> wrote:
>> thx for the link but this link was the reason i tried the {theme: null}
>> thing; and it worked but not solving my problem cause this is what
>> causing
>> my problem with the vanished buttons!
>> maybe i dont understand it right but maybe someone can point me to the
>> solution
> Hello
> Could you show us your HTML page so that we can help you understand
> what's wrong?
> Thanks,
> --
> Eric
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> Users at openlayers.org
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View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/theme%3A-null-%3D-vanished-buttons%21--tf4776523.html#a13700858
Sent from the OpenLayers Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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