[OpenLayers-Users] tricky pan/zoom backgroundimage to get ...

Roald de Wit rdewit at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 12 22:18:40 EST 2007

Hi Maik,

On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 12:26 +0100, Maik Finsterbusch wrote:
> to get a more feeling, working openlayers like a desktop gis, i want to lay an
> wide more extented (and less solutioned, maxextent by the way is most useful)
> layer in the background of my mapimage.
> thus, if you pan the map you will see all the map with a border, may be.
> if you zoom out, the backgroundimage will appear (if you zoom in, you only get a
> better view until the reload).
> just like a real zoom. ;)
> is there a possibility to get this involved or does this feature already exists?

I hope I understand you correctly. Do you want something like this?

According to the following ticket animated zooming is a new feature that will be available in version 2.6:

Kind regards,

Roald de Wit
Software Engineer
roald.dewit at lisasoft.com

Commercial Support for Open Source GIS Software

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