[OpenLayers-Users] Need help understanding UTM

Barend Köbben kobben at itc.nl
Tue Nov 13 03:06:46 EST 2007

It depends on what you want to use the map for: Do you show the whole world  or a particular part of the world , and if so at what scale range? Do you need the map to be true to scale or true to form? Depending on all these questions you'd have to choose an appropriate projection.  
>From your enquiry I get the impression you want to make a map of the whole world. In that case, UTM is not the best option, because it's a projection that was designed for showing limited parts of the world, basically fitting into one UTM zone, which is 6 degree of longitude. You can show the whole world using any of these zones, but the more you are outside of the zone, the bigger the distortions become.
You can of course make a WMS layer for every zone and show each of these using the zone's UTM projection. 
You can start with any map, so one in latlon WGS-84 (4326) would work, you'll have your WMS software then reproject it into the projection you'd want. 
For some background to the projections, I'd recommend http://kartoweb.itc.nl/geometrics/
Barend Köbben 
International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and  Earth Observation (ITC) 
PO Box 6, 7500AA Enschede (The Netherlands) 
ph: +31-(0)534874253; mobile: +31-(0)622344955


From: Linda Rawson [mailto:linda.rawson at gmail.com]
Sent: Mon 11/12/2007 23:29
To: Barend Köbben
Cc: users at openlayers.org
Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Need help understanding UTM

What would I start with?  A map in EPSG: 4326???
Would I add each zone layer individually?
Do you do this in Mapserver or something like that so I only have 1 WMS layer?
Linda Rawson

On Nov 12, 2007 12:51 AM, Barend Köbben <kobben at itc.nl> wrote:

	What exactly are you asking?

	> Is there anyway to get the map in meters and add
	> these layers for each zone?
	Of course, if you have any map in a knwon projection or in lat/lon, you can project it in any zone of UTM. So what is the problem...? 
	Barend Köbben
	International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and  Earth Observation (ITC)
	PO Box 6, 7500AA Enschede (The Netherlands)
	ph: +31-(0)534874253; mobile: +31-(0)622344955
	From: users-bounces at openlayers.org on behalf of Linda Rawson
	Sent: Sat 11/10/2007 03:47
	To: users at openlayers.org
	Subject: [OpenLayers-Users] Need help understanding UTM

	I keep coming back to the fact I need a map layer that is a meter projection.
	In UTM there are several different projections:
	    EPSG: 32611
	    EPSG: 32612
	    EPSG: 32613 
	These are based on zone.  Whatever longitude you are at would determine the zone.
	Is there anyway to get the map in meters and add these layers for each zone?
	Linda Rawson

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