[OpenLayers-Users] LayerSwitcher

R. Ortner reinhard.ortner at edu.fh-kaernten.ac.at
Tue Nov 13 04:43:22 EST 2007

The problem is, that a change of the entries in the style.css rexpectively my
own made style.css have no effect.
I tried to change there the color of the background but there was no change
respectively the color were overwritten by maybe some hardcoded code.

how can I make the style.css work for that?

HuubAtGeodan wrote:
> Hi R.
> The position of mapcontrols can be changed by editing and including the 
> style.css file in for instance
> .\OpenLayers\theme\default\
> Regards, Huub
> On 11/13/2007 9:58 AM, R. Ortner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i tried to change the position of the LayerSwitcher but were not really
>> successfully!
>> first, I placed the layerswitcher outside the map and I tried to change
>> the
>> position within the div tag but that had no effect, it still remained top
>> right.
>> next, I changed the layerswitcher.js, that worked but is not really a
>> good
>> solution because it will change the layerswitcher for all applications.
>> maybe someone can tell me how to change the position of the layerswitcher
>> at
>> best?
>> thx
> -- 
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