[OpenLayers-Users] Extract/read attributes from GML

springrider springrider at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 14 10:17:08 EST 2007

Good morning

I would be interested to extract/read text within some tags
(wfs:FeatureCollection\gml:boundedBy\gml:Box\gml:coordinates) from my GML. I
am now struggling trying to write the correct syntax. I tried something like
 var myGml= new
var myExtent=

But it is not correct.Could you please help me? I would then use this text
to define the extent of my map.

More generally, is there any documentation about how to manipulate/use JSON,
WFS data?

Many thanks

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Extract-read-attributes-from-GML-tf4805707.html#a13748549
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