[OpenLayers-Users] VERY strange behaviour = bug?

Huub Fleuren huub.fleuren at geodan.nl
Wed Nov 14 11:50:08 EST 2007


in Maps.js

     * APIProperty: theme
     * {String} Relative path to a CSS file from which to load theme styles.
     *          Specify null in the map options (e.g. {theme: null}) if you
     *          want to get cascading style declarations - by putting 
links to
     *          stylesheets or style declarations directly in your page.

normally you do not specify this option at all, so the 
theme/default/styles.css is always used
but you could add styles with a <link /> anyhow

Regards, Huub

> [version with working links on: http://geoserver.itc.nl/mapserver.OpenLayersBug.html]
> when loading Openlayers 2.5 from a location other than the openlayers.org/api site, the OverviewMap's default location suddenly is upperleft iso. lower-right... 
> *	Load map with openlayers.js script coming from openlayers.org/api hosted site <http://geoserver.itc.nl/mapserver/OpenLayersBugHosted.html> ... => control is in lower-right 
> *	Load map with openlayers.js script coming from this site <http://geoserver.itc.nl/mapserver/OpenLayersBugLocal.html> ... => control is in upper-left, overlapping the zoom/pan tools
> Even stranger, it worked OK in OpenLayers 2.4 <http://geoserver.itc.nl/mapserver/OpenLayersBugLocal24.html> ... 
> I'd consider this a bug, or is it something else...?

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