[OpenLayers-Users] Problem in Internet Explorer

Erik Uzureau erik.uzureau at metacarta.com
Thu Nov 15 10:02:26 EST 2007

Is this something that would maybe be helpful to others?
Would anyone on this thread be willing to make a FAQ entry for this?



On 11/14/07, Eric Lemoine <eric.c2c at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Nov 14, 2007 9:51 PM, vgvallee <vgvallee at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I was *em* debugging with the old alert right before the offending statement
> > which made the problem go away. So I tried at the start of the VML.js file.
> > Worked too. But I don't like to modify the OpenLayers files so I tried
> > before the Ext.onReady definition... Then I got rid of the alert. I ended up
> > putting it in conditional compile section,
> >
> > /*@cc_on
> >         document.namespaces;
> > @*/
> >
> > even though non IE browsers ignore the statement.
> >
> > I have absolutely no clue as to why this "appears" to solve it... At first I
> > thought it was because of the delay caused by the alert but since removing
> > that with only the statement, I don't know...
> IE black magic. Thanks for your feedback.
> --
> Eric
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