[OpenLayers-Users] Changing Filter on a mapserver Layer

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Nov 15 23:24:33 EST 2007

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 09:04:07PM -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a POI overlay layer, based on a mapserver layer. I would
>> like to create a multiple select dropdown list of the POI classes,
>> that the user can select. Then on change I would like to change the
>> mapserver url to include the selected items and refresh the layer.
>> So for example, the user selects HOTEL, DINING, BANK
>> then the mapserver URL would need to include
>> I can handle the js for the onChange, but I'm not sure how to
>> change the mapserver layer object, or how to trigger the layer to
>> be redrawn.
>> Some help would be appreciated.
> http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Layer/HTTPRequest-js.html#OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.mergeNewParams
> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/wmst.html
> Regards,

Ahhh, very cool! and exactly what I needed.
I looked at that example in the past, it just did connect today when I 
need to do this. I have so much to learn (and remember). It is so 
obvious after the fact :)

Thank you,

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