[OpenLayers-Users] out of range bbox requests and Tilecache failures

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu Nov 22 09:13:04 EST 2007

On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 12:54:01PM +0000, David Herbert wrote:
> Christopher,
> Thanks firstly for your comprehensive reply.
> To answer your points:
> In my OL initialisation, the maxExtent of the map is set by:
> var SGBOUNDS = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-82000,7800,80000,116000);
> So integers, not FP numbers that could be subject to rounding error. 
> I'm not using displayOutsideMaxExtent BTW - it's left default false.

Right, the maxResolution is not an integer: that's the bit that worried
me. Can you share simple HTML page that cuases this to happen? It
doesn't have to point to a live server, I just need to see if I can the 
tiles your'e seeing requested to show up in my own setup.

Christopher Schmidt

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