[OpenLayers-Users] NavToolBar in Horizontal orientation

Lourens Veen veen at science.uva.nl
Mon Nov 26 04:43:21 EST 2007

On Saturday 24 November 2007 03:37:55 viswaug wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having trouble trying to figure out how to have the tools on the
> NavToolbar appear with a horizontal orientation.

That's probably because you haven't Googled yet. If you search for [openlayers 
navtoolbar horizontal] (without the square brackets) you will find a 
mailinglist post from last April where Christopher explains how to do it.


           ir. Lourens Veen           University of Amsterdam - IBED
                                      Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
     Scientific Software Engineer     1018 WV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
              EcoGRID-GA-N            t: +31 20-5257453  f: +31 20-5257431

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