[OpenLayers-Users] how can I extract the gml:coordinates
goeserver developer
bjoice at firstam.com
Mon Nov 26 23:27:36 EST 2007
I am doing a search with Topp:states layer with respect to state name. The
map should zoom to the name which I choose (eg:Ohio)
I have added a wfs layer with the filter option . how can I get the bounds
to zoom it.Below I have used the static value for a particular state.How can
I get it dynamically.
bounds = new
state :ohio
but I have to do it Dynamically .How can I get the bounds ? Below is the
output of that same filter.how can I extract the gml:coordinates .
- <gml:boundedBy>
- <gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#900913">
<gml:coordinates xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" decimal="." cs=","
</gml:Box> </gml:boundedBy>
- <gml:featureMember>
- <topp:states fid="states.48">
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