[OpenLayers-Users] Obtaining a Marker's coordinates?? Is there a way?

plen peteralen at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 29 18:50:42 EST 2007


I have a marker that I create through something like:

var mrk = new OpenLayers.Marker(lonlat, icon.clone());

I add it to my marker's layer and it is displayed on the map.  I am trying
to find out how I can get the coordinates for that marker.  In the Google
Maps API, the Marker object had methods to get the latitude and longitude,
but the OpenLayers API doesn't seem to have that.  

Is there a way to retrieve the geo coords for a given Marker?

Thanks - Peter
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Obtaining-a-Marker%27s-coordinates---Is-there-a-way--tf4900776.html#a14037834
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