[OpenLayers-Users] How to overwrite OpenLayers.Format.KML

Arnd Wippermann arnd.wippermann at web.de
Thu Oct 4 15:19:58 EDT 2007

Hello Christopher,

>OpenLayers.Format.KML.prototype.parseGeometry.point = function(node) { }

>The geometry parsing functions are inside of the parseGeometry object.

>OpenLayers.Format.KML.prototype.fromEPSG = function() {} should work, too. 

>This is no longer neccesary as of trunk/RC4 yesterday: The kmlns for the
Placemarks is determined automatically.

I have taken OpenLayers.Format.KML from the trunk, my patch for point and
linestring written and all works well.

Thanks for your help.

I have also get the function write get to work. Why have I call

Functions of other classes I call without the prototype.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Arnd Wippermann

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