[OpenLayers-Users] [OSM-dev] Some OpenLayers-based OSM hacking
Christopher Schmidt
crschmidt at metacarta.com
Mon Oct 15 09:08:46 EDT 2007
Originally this was posted as a response to dev at openstreetmap.org, but
it's really more about OpenLayers than OSM. I'm sending it there --
followups should go to users at openlayers.org.
On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 08:39:22AM +0100, Patrick Weber wrote:
> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> >Hello Dev --
> >
> >I've been doing some OSM hacking based on OpenLayers trying to figure
> >out what we need to put into OpenLayers for 2.6 to make OpenLayers a
> >more reasonable tool for working with OSM data.
> >
> >OSM data drawn in SVG over mapnik tiles. (These are mapnik only because
> >reprojection support isn't in OpenLayers yet: I'm actively workin on
> >that, and it will be in 2.6 in some form, and may be in OpenLayers in
> >the next couple weeks.)
> >
> > * Adding a .osm file is as simple as:
> > gml = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("OSM", "xml/cambridgeport.osm",
> > {format: OpenLayers.Format.OSM});
> >
> Great idea to do SVG rendering!!! I have been waiting for something like
> this. Now, what I would be interested in is using your gml adding
> functionality to add a thematic layer over the basedata.
Note that there is not actually any GML involved here: "Layer.GML" is
really just "Layer.RemoteVectorDataFile", but poorly named.
> Say I have a layer with all of the UK's local authorities as polygons,
> and associated statistics.
What format? KML, GML, OSM? The first two are better interchange formats
for non-topological data, and fully supported by OpenLayers.
> I could build a OSM file that for example shows poverty levels, and
> display it on the map as a SVG overlay over the Mapnik png files.
You could also just use a GML or KML file, though at the moment, there
are limits to what you can do with the 'official' tiles because of lack
of reprojection support (as I mentioned in my email). Unless the data is
already in OSM, there's not much reason to convert it just for display.
for an example of display of population levels, for example, which is
pulled from a GeoJSON dataset. (Under Chloropeth.)
> What kind of performance could I expect ? Is there a limit on how many
> svg objects one can display in the browser?
Yes. Depends on the browser, mostly, but it's pretty safe to assume that
more than 100-200 DOM elements in a draggable map browser page is likely
to make things start slowing down. (Parsing also becomes a factor at
some point -- loading and parsing a 4MB .osm file is enough to make some
browsers unhappy.)
> Depending on the complexity of the polygon?
In part, but less so. This affects the parsing/display time, but not the
interaction, for the most part.
I've CCed the OpenLayers-Users list with this email: I'd suggest that
anything which is more generally related to 'displaying Geo data in an
OpenLayers Map' be taken there, as there is a large community of highly
skilled people on that list who have done things exactly like this.
Christopher Schmidt
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