[OpenLayers-Users] this.initialize is undefined

Greg Ederer greg at ergonosis.com
Thu Aug 14 16:08:31 EDT 2008


I'm trying to get a minimal application working with OpenLayers and my 
local GeoServer instance.  I have created a FeatureType in GeoServer 
called esv:countries, and I can view this using the mini-map preview 
function of GeoServer.

I copied the layer instantiation code for my test application:

var map;
var wms;

// pink tile avoidance
// make OL compute scale according to WMS spec
OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH = 25.4 / 0.28;

function init()
  map = OpenLayers.Map("map");
  wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
                    "esv:countries - Tiled", 
                        styles: '',
                        layers: 'esv:countries',
                        width: '800',
                        height: '362',
                        srs: 'EPSG:4326',
                        format: format,
                        tiled: 'true',
                        tilesOrigin : "-198,-98.68117980957031"
                    {buffer: 0}


In my HTML (actually, a JSP), I have:

  <body onload="init()">
    <div id="map">

When I load this page, however, I get this error in Firebug:

this.initialize is undefined
Line 69

Any suggestions?



| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| greg at ergonosis.com
| 360.774.6848

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